Andalusia has just created the first network of institutions devoted to science communication existing in Spain. This network was born on December 12th, 2007, under de auspices of the Junta de Andalucía (the regional government of the autonomous community Andalusia), and Calar Alto Observatory is one of its founder members...

The quality of the night sky at Calar Alto Observatory has been extensively analysed using many different observational techniques and with data gathered between 2004 and 2007. The conclusions indicate that Calar Alto is a dark site with a considerable fraction of useful nights for astronomical observation. The sharpness of the images (what astronomers call “the seeing”) and the overall properties of the night sky at Calar Alto place this observatory among the best sites for astronomical observations...
The autonomous community Andalusia joins the territories that acknowledge light pollution as an environmental problem, and has made its first legal steps towards the protection of night sky. A new law, just promulgated, pursues the defense of the quality of the night sky at astronomical observatories in Andalusia and, also, the reduction of light pollution in a general sense all over the autonomous community...

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