Publications based on observation at Calar Alto

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The bibliographic data of any publications based on observations at Calar Alto are to be communicated to CAHA as described on our web page:

Publications must contain a footnote as follows: 

Based on observations collected at Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Junta de Andalucía

Publications based on data collected before January 1st 2019 must contain a footnote as follows: 

Data here reported were acquired at Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPG). Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía is now operated by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía and Junta de Andalucía.

Search by author/co-author, year of publication or part of the publication title:
1st Author Publication Title Year
Feldt, M. PYRAMIR: first on-sky results from an infrared pyramid wavefront sensor 2006

PYRAMIR: first on-sky results from an infrared pyramid wavefront sensor
Feldt, M.; Peter, D.; Hippler, S.; Henning, Th.; Aceituno, J.; Goto, M.
SPIE Proc., 2006, 6272

Ge J. The First Extrasolar Planet Discovered with a New-Generation High-Throughput Doppler Instrument 2006

The First Extrasolar Planet Discovered with a New-Generation High-Throughput Doppler Instrument
Ge J., Van Eyken J., Mahadevan S., et al.
ApJ, 648, 683

de Ugarte Postigo A. GRB 060121: Implications of a Short-/Intermediate-Duration Nc-Ray Burst at High Redshift 2006

GRB 060121: Implications of a Short-/Intermediate-Duration Nc-Ray Burst at High Redshift
de Ugarte Postigo A., Castro-Tirado A., Guziy S., et al.
ApJ, 648, L83

Phleps, S. Galaxy clustering from COMBO-17: the halo occupation distribution at 2006

Galaxy clustering from COMBO-17: the halo occupation distribution at < z$(B!S(B= 0.6
Phleps, S.; Peacock, J. A.; Meisenheimer, K.; Wolf, C.
A&A, 457, 145

Fuchs, B. CADIS has seen the Virgo overdensity and parts of the Monoceros and "Orphan" streams in retrospect 2006

CADIS has seen the Virgo overdensity and parts of the Monoceros and "Orphan" streams in retrospect
Fuchs, B.; Phleps, S.; Meisenheimer, K.
A&A, 457, 541

Comeron, F. G76.188+0.098: a newly born massive binary star 2006

G76.188+0.098: a newly born massive binary star
Comeron, F.; Pasquali, A.; Torra, J.
A&A, 457, 553

Zhang, H. W. Potassium abundances in nearby metal-poor stars 2006

Potassium abundances in nearby metal-poor stars
Zhang, H. W.; Gehren, T.; Butler, K.; Shi, J. R.; Zhao, G.     
A&A, 457, 645

Feulner, G. Integrated specific star formation rates of galaxies, groups, and clusters: acontinuous upper limi 2006

Integrated specific star formation rates of galaxies, groups, and clusters: a ontinuous upper limit with stellar mass?

Feulner, G.; Hopp, U.; Botzler, C. S.
A&A, 451, L13

O'Toole, S. J. Abundance studies of sdB stars using UV echelle HST/STIS spectroscopy 2006

Abundance studies of sdB stars using UV echelle HST/STIS spectroscopy
O'Toole, S. J.; Heber, U.
A&A, 452, 579

J. Gorosabel Detection of optical linear polarization in the SN 2006aj/XRF 060218 non-spherical expansion 2006

Detection of optical linear polarization in the SN 2006aj/XRF 060218
non-spherical expansion

Gorosabel, J.; Larionov, V.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Guziy, S.; Larionova, L.; Del Olmo, A.; Mart?ínez, M. A.; Cepa, J.; Cedr?és, B.; de UgartePostigo, A.; Jelínek, M.; Bogdanov, O.; Llorente, A.

A&A 459,33

L. Christensen Extended Lyman-alpha emission around bright quasars 2006

Extended Lyman-alpha emission around bright quasars

 L. Christensen, - K. Jahnke, L. Wisotzki, S. F. Sánchez
A&A 459,717

Th. Rivinius Bright Be-shell stars 2006

Bright Be-shell stars

Th. Rivinius, S. Stefl, D. Baade

A&A 459,137

B.M. Gonzalea-Garcia A search for substellar members in the Praesepe and sigma Orionis clusters 2006

A search for substellar members in the Praesepe and sigma  Orionis

B.M. González-García, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, V. J. S. Béjar, G. Bihain, D. Barrado y Navascués, J. A. Caballero, M. Morales-Calderón

A&A 460,799

W.R. Hamann The Galactic WN stars - Spectral analyses with line-blanketed model atmospheres versus stellar evo 2006

The Galactic WN stars - Spectral analyses with line-blanketed model
atmospheres versus stellar evolution models with and without rotation

 W.-R. Hamann - G. Gräfener - A. Liermann
A&A 457,1015

O. Suarez A spectroscopic atlas of post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae selected from the IRAS point source 2006

A spectroscopic atlas of post-AGB stars and planetary nebulae selected
from the IRAS point source catalogue

 O. Suárez, P. García-Lario, A. Manchado, M. Manteiga, A. Ulla,
S. R. Pottasch
A&A 458,173

P. Sánchez-Blázquez Stellar populations of early-type galaxies in different environments. I. Line-strength indices. Re 2006

Stellar populations of early-type galaxies in different environments.
I. Line-strength indices. Relations of line-strengths with σ

Sánchez-Blázquez, P.; Gorgas, J.; Cardiel, N.; González, J. J.A&A


P.Sámchez-Blázquez Stellar populations of early-type galaxies in different environments. II. Ages and metallicities. 2006

Stellar populations of early-type galaxies in different environments.
II. Ages and metallicities.

 Sánchez-Blázquez, P.; Gorgas, J.; Cardiel, N.; González, J. J.
A&A 457,809

P. Sánchez-Blázquez Stellar populations of early-type galaxies in different environments. III. Line strength gradients 2006

Stellar populations of early-type galaxies in different environments.
III. Line strength gradients

Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Gorgas, J., Cardiel, N.

A&A 457,823

F.M. Jiménez-Esteban Near-IR variability properties of a selected sample of AGB stars 2006

Near-IR variability properties of a selected sample of AGB stars

F. M. Jiménez-Esteban1, P. García-Lario, D. Engels, A. Manchado

A&A 458,533

D. Yu Observations and analysis of two type IIP supernovae: the intrinsically faint object SN 2005cs and 2006

Observations and analysis of two type IIP supernovae: the intrinsically
faint object SN 2005cs and the ambiguous object SN 2005ay

D. Yu. Tsvetkov, A. A. Volnova, A. P. Shulga, S. A. Korotkiy, A. Elmhamdi, - I. J. Danziger, M. V. Ereshko

A&A 460,769