Publications based on observation at Calar Alto

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The bibliographic data of any publications based on observations at Calar Alto are to be communicated to CAHA as described on our web page:

Publications must contain a footnote as follows: 

Based on observations collected at Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Junta de Andalucía

Publications based on data collected before January 1st 2019 must contain a footnote as follows: 

Data here reported were acquired at Centro Astronómico Hispano Alemán (CAHA) at Calar Alto operated jointly by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) and Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPG). Centro Astronómico Hispano en Andalucía is now operated by Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía and Junta de Andalucía.

Search by author/co-author, year of publication or part of the publication title:
1st Author Publication Title Year
Lietzen, H. Clustering environment of BL Lacertae object RGB 1745+398 2008

Clustering environment of BL Lacertae object RGB 1745+398

 Lietzen, H.; Nilsson, K.; Takalo, L. O.; Heinämäki, P.; Nurmi, P.;
Keinänen, P.; Wagner, S.
A&A 482,771

Koehler, R. Orbits and masses in the T Tauri system 2008

Orbits and masses in the T Tauri system
Koehler, R.; Ratzka, T.; Herbst, T. M.; Kasper, M.
A&A 482,929

Semkov, E. H. A long-term photometric study of V 1184 Tauri 2008

A long-term photometric study of V 1184 Tauri

 Semkov, E. H.; Tsvetkov, M. K.; Borisova, A. P.; Stavrev, K. Y.; Kroll, P.;
Berthold, T.; Birkle, K.; Mandel, H.; Mito, H.; Tarusawa, K.
A&A 483,537

Martinez M.A. Deficiency of Broad-Line AGNs in Compact Groups of Galaxies 2008

Deficiency of Broad-Line AGNs in Compact Groups of Galaxies

 Martínez M.A., del Olmo A., Coziol R., Focardi P.
ApJL 678,L9

Jahreiss, H.; Spectroscopic distances of 28 nearby star candidates 2008

Spectroscopic distances of 28 nearby star candidates

Jahreiss, H.; Meusinger, H.; Scholz, R.D.; Stecklum, B.

A&A 484,575


Manthey, E. The H I content of the advanced merger NGC 4441 2008

The H I content of the advanced merger NGC 4441

Manthey, E.; Aalto, S.; Hüttemeister, S.; Oosterloo, T. A.
A&A 484,693

Kollatschny, W. New active galactic nuclei detected in ROSAT All Sky Surveygalaxies. II. The complete dataset 2008

New active galactic nuclei detected in ROSAT All Sky Survey
galaxies. II. The complete dataset

Kollatschny, W.; Kotulla, R.; Pietsch, W.; Bischoff, K.; Zetzl, M.

A&A 484,897

Hennemann, M. An infrared-submillimeter study of starforming regions selected by the ISOSS 170 ¼m survey 2008

An infrared-submillimeter study of starforming regions selected by the
ISOSS 170 μm survey

Hennemann, M.; Birkmann, S. M.; Krause, O.; Lemke, D.

A&A 485,753

Vogel, J. The serendipituous discovery of a short-period eclipsing polar in 2XMMp 2008

The serendipituous discovery of a short-period eclipsing polar in 2XMMp

 Vogel, J.; Byckling, K.; Schwope, A.; Osborne, J.P.; Schwarz, R.; Watson, M.G.
A&A 485,787

Raiteri, C. M. The high activity of 3C 454.3 in autumn 2007. Monitoring by the WEBT during the AGILE detection 2008

The high activity of 3C 454.3 in autumn 2007. Monitoring by the WEBT
during the AGILE detection

Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Chen, W. P.   and 58 coauthors

A&A 485,L17


Sandin C. Spatially resolved spectroscopy of planetary nebulae and their halos. I. Five galactic disk object 2008

Spatially resolved spectroscopy of planetary nebulae and their halos.
I. Five galactic disk objects

Sandin C.; Schönberner D.; Roth M.M.; Steffen M.; Böhm P.; Monreal-Ibero A.

A&A 486,545

Moles M. The ALHAMBRA Survey: A Large Area Multimedium-Band Optical and Near-Infrared Photometric Survey 2008

The ALHAMBRA Survey: A Large Area Multimedium-Band Optical and
Near-Infrared Photometric Survey

 M. Moles, N. Benítez, J. A. L. Aguerri, E. J. Alfaro, T. Broadhurst,
J. Cabrera-Caño, F. J. Castander, J. Cepa, M. Cerviño, D. Cristóbal-Hornillos,
A. Fernández-Soto, R. M. González Delgado, L. Infante, I. Márquez,
V. J. Martínez, J. Masegosa, A. del Olmo, J. Perea, F. Prada, J. M. Quintana,
S. F. Sánchez
AJ 136,1325

Da Rocha C. Intragroup diffuse light in compact groups of galaxies II. HCG 15, 35 and 51 2008

Intragroup diffuse light in compact groups of galaxies II.
HCG 15, 35 and 51

Da Rocha C., Ziegler B.C., Mendes de Oliveira C.

MNRAS 388,1433

Rosolowdky E.W. Structural Analysis of Molecular Clouds: Dendrograms 2008

Structural Analysis of Molecular Clouds: Dendrograms

Rosolowsky E.W., Pineda J.E., Kauffmann J., Goodman A.A.

ApJ 679,1338

Shields J.C. An Accreting Black Hole in the Nuclear Star Cluster of the Bulgeless Galaxy NGC 1042 2008

An Accreting Black Hole in the Nuclear Star Cluster of the Bulgeless
Galaxy NGC 1042

Shields J.C., Walcher J.Boeker T., Ho L.C., Rix H-W, van der Marel R.P.

ApJ 682,104

Verdugo N. The galaxy populations from the centers to the infall regions in z~0.25 clusters 2008

The galaxy populations from the centers to the infall regions in z~0.25 clusters

Verdugo M., Ziegler B.L., Gerken B.

A&A 486,9

Comerón F. The outskirts of Cygnus OB2 2008

The outskirts of Cygnus OB2

Comerón F., Paquali A., Figueras F., Torra J.
A&A 486,453

Bouy H. Structural and compositional properties of brown dwarf disks: the case of 2MASS J04442713+2512164 2008

Structural and compositional properties of brown dwarf disks: the case
of 2MASS J04442713+2512164

Bouy H., Huélamo N., Pinte C., Olofsson J., Barrado y Navascués D., Martín E.L., Pantin E., Monin J.L., Basri G., Augereau J.C., Ménard F.,Duvert G., Duchêne G., Marchis F., Bayo A., Bottinelli S., Lefort B.,
Guieu S.
A&A 486,877

Della Ceca R. The cosmological properties of AGN in the XMM-Newton Hard Bright Survey 2008

The cosmological properties of AGN in the XMM-Newton Hard Bright Survey

Della Ceca R., Caccianiga A., Severgnini P., Maccacaro T., Brunner H., Carrera F.J., Cocchia F., Mateos S., Page M.J., Tedds J.A.

A&A 487,119

Harutyunyan A.H. ESC supernova spectroscopy of non-ESC targets 2008

ESC supernova spectroscopy of non-ESC targets

Harutyunyan A.H., Pfahler P., Pastorello A., Taubenberger S, Turatto M, Cappellaro E, Benetti S., Elias-Rosa N., Navasardyan H., Valenti S.,Stanishev V., Patat F., Riello M., Pignata G., Hillebrandt W
A&A 488,383