Calar Alto Observatory has enjoyed the visit of one of the teams of winners of the European Southern Observatory international contest "Catch a Star". Denitsa Georgieva, Rositsa Zhekova and Tanya Nikolova, with their professor Dimitar Kokotanekov, from Bulgaria, shared with us three nights of work. Their award-winning project, devoted to sunspots, received one of the second prizes in ESO "Catch a Star" 2005 contest: the visit to Calar Alto is a part of the prize.
this stay, the Bulgarian students had the chance to know the
facilities and the staff of Calar Alto Observatory. They took part
in real astronomical observations with the observatory telescopes
and, also, in the open field. Also, they had the opportunity to visit
the surroundings of the Observatory, including the nearby city Almería.
We hope that their direct contact with our astronomical observatory, and with the work of proffessional astronomers, will further stimulate their interest in astronomy.
Dear young visitors: we wish we will see you again among us in a near future, but this time as visiting astronomers coming to make astronomical observations for professional research!
© Calar Alto Observatory, October 2006